Thursday, September 4, 2008

Background and "Before" Pictures

In case anyone other than me decides to read this -

I find myself in the totally unoriginal position of needing to lose a few pounds after having a baby. I gained A TON of weight (proportionally) when I was pregnant with my son last year and I was fairly unhappy with my weight before that. While a large percentage of the pregnancy weight came off quickly (some with the help of a shot of Weight Watchers while I was still on maternity leave), the last chunk seems to be settling in for a long stay and I WILL NOT HAVE IT.

I have done WW so many times and over the span of so many years I can't even guess at numbers. Exchanges, frozen food purchased at the center, the first points program, the second points program, core, the revised core . . . need I go on? In between throw in a handful of South Beach Diet, a smattering of Jenny Craig and a dash of the Diet Center Diet (Wasabröd, anyone?).

One time in my life I was at a weight I was really happy with and I was loosely following WW at the time. I was also not working a "real" job; I went to the beach everyday and walked for miles with my dog; I rode my bike for fun and for serious exercise; and I ate only good-for-me foods.

No, I don't think being thin can make me happy. Yes, I think being thinner can make me feel better about myself. I want to feel like a hot mommy next time I go to the playground - not one who's thighs look like snausages with backfat to spare. And if for no other reason, that cute kid in the picture is certainly worth the trouble of getting into better shape!

So anyway, right now my short term goal is just to be as fat as I was before I had the baby and then we'll move on from there.

Photos taken Monday, September 1, 2008 - the day before I went to WW.

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